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Maximize your non-profit's impact

Build a resilient foundation for your mission

Your non-profit organization is focused on making a difference but needs to maintain financial viability to survive and maximize its impact. We take on the intricate work of financial planning, building governance, and optimizing operations, allowing you to concentrate on your mission and goals. Trust us to guide your organization's financial health and sustainability, leaving you free to focus on bringing your meaningful vision to life. With our support, we will help you create a secure and viable non-profit entity, ensuring that the backbone of your organization is well-structured and sustainable, so you can stay true to your mission's core and make a lasting impact in the communities you serve.

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We will empower you to grow your mission's reach with confidence


Non-profit board governance

We specialize in elevating non-profit board governance by providing comprehensive experience-based consulting to non-profit boards and chief executives.  Our expertise extends from designing effective board structures and bylaws to crafting policies and procedures aligning with your organization's mission.  We assist in building a tailored board profile, ensuring that the individuals selected for your board possess the qualifications and commitment necessary for success. Our "good-fit" assessments further refine the selection process, enhancing the board's cohesiveness and effectiveness.  We work collaboratively to ensure transparency, accountability, and strategic alignment within your board, allowing your non-profit to flourish with a well-governed foundation as you make a meaningful impact in your community and beyond.


Strategic financial planning

Strategic financial plans are the bedrock of your non-profit's long-term success. Our tailored approach involves deep diving into your organization's financial landscape identifying opportunities and potential challenges or risks.  We work collaboratively to develop comprehensive strategies that align with your mission, encompassing budget development, revenue diversification, expense management, and investment strategies that maximize returns while staying true to your core values.  Revenue diversification includes understanding your markets and donor base and broadening revenue sources from both operating activities, such as program fees or product sales, and non-operating activities, such as grants, endowments, or investments.  This approach ensures financial stability and resilience while allowing you to create a lasting impact in the communities you serve.


Budget development and oversight

Budget development and meticulous oversight are key to ensuring your non-profit's financial health. Our collaborative approach involves creating a transparent and detailed budget that aligns with your mission and goals. We work closely with your team to accurately project revenues and expenses, allowing for strategic decision-making. Throughout the fiscal year, our oversight ensures that your budget remains on track, identifying potential variances and implementing corrective actions as needed. With our expertise, you can confidently navigate the complexities of budgeting, maintain financial discipline, and allocate resources effectively to support your mission's growth and impact.


501(c)(3) compliance assurance

Our assessments and practices will ensure your 501(c)(3) compliance is rock-solid, offering peace of mind and a strong reputation for your non-profit organization.  Our meticulous approach includes staying abreast of IRS requirements and the non-profit industry's best practices in transparency and ethical financial behavior.  We provide comprehensive guidance to showcase the effectiveness of your mission, helping you build transparency and credibility with grantors and donors.  With our expertise, you can confidently maintain your tax-exempt status while demonstrating your unwavering commitment to achieving your mission's goals, fostering trust among supporters and stakeholders who share your passion for positive change.


Investment guidance and grant funding

We provide comprehensive support throughout the entire grant lifecycle, as well as expert investment guidance tailored to the unique needs of non-profit organizations. Our services encompass building a robust grant strategy that aligns with your mission, identifying suitable grant opportunities, and crafting winning proposals and presentations that captivate funders. We guide you through the application and presentation process, ensuring your mission shines brightly. Additionally, we offer strategic investment guidance to help you build a reserve of safe, reliable instruments that generate supplemental revenue and act as a financial buffer against revenue fluctuations, allowing your non-profit to maintain financial stability while focusing on creating a lasting impact in your community.


Financial reporting, planning, and analysis

Comprehensive financial reporting, planning, and analysis will bring your non-profit confidence that it is secure to continue maximizing its impact.  Our services include crafting insightful financial reports clearly showing your organization's fiscal health providing a foundation for informed decision-making.  Our data-driven analysis delves deep into your financial data to uncover trends, risks, and opportunities, ensuring your non-profit remains agile and adaptable in an ever-changing landscape.  With our support, you can optimize your financial strategies, maximize resources, and continue making a meaningful impact in your community.

Get started with us today

Let us help you grow your non-profit organizations reach and maximize the impact of your mission

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